Zarina loves wrestling, in fact she is very good at it and as a teen living in Australia she posted some videos of her wrestling on youtube so friends and family could see her no matter how far away the were. These videos resulted in her getting a scholarship to the United States and this is where she met Andrew! You never know where this life will take you, but saying yes to an adventure no matter how scary can lead to magical things, like finding your person 🙂

Andrew and Zarina decided to get married in Queenstown, New Zealand surrounded by their nearest and dearest (more about that to come). We decided to go out for a little sunrise engagement session only 2 days before their wedding and it was brilliant! It was a great way for us to get to know each other and for them to get some photos having a bit of fun and just being them.

We decided to head up to Coronet peak for our session, the weather wasn’t looking the best, and it was clear we weren’t going to get a sunrise, but that was no problem for these two. Umbrellas were out and we went out to play in the rain. After getting thoroughly soaked through we dried off in the car whilst heading a bit further up hill, where we were surprised to find ourselves in the middle of a small blizzard!! This is where Zarina and Andrew truly stole my heart, they loved playing in the snow and were up for anything, and watching them fall into each other and fully live in the moment was the most beautiful thing. They are truly two of the most genuine beautiful souls I have met it was truly a pleasure getting to capture their love. We finished our morning off warming up with some amazing Patagonia hot chocolate in Arrowtown and just getting to know each other a little bit better.

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